The sea – it’s an integral part of so many stories: The Odyssey, The old man and the sea, Moby Dick, Twenty thousand leagues under the sea to name several classics among the many.
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They all have a common theme: surviving the elements. It doesn’t get more basic.
Which is why I dare to mention my story imbroglio in the same breath.
Imagine the fear of going overboard 25 kms out to sea, at night.
I’m serious. Really imagine it.
Knowing that although you’re completely alone, you’re not alone. You might have survived the fall, but will you survive the predators beneath your feet? Will you survive the unrelenting tides and weather?
But let’s face it, it’s the thought of those predators that are making your toes curl right now.
Enough to give you nightmares, isn’t it.
Could you possibly survive? What would you need to attempt it?
A sense of direction? The will? The ability to swim? Strength? Endurance?
You would need all of those and more.
Noel Valentine. Does she have those qualities? Any of them?
Maybe, but will they be enough?

On a dark night 25 kms off the coast of Sydney, Australia, she goes over the side of a luxury yacht. She doesn’t want to. It’s a choice between a quick death aboard at the hands of criminals or a slow one overboard. Instinct impels her to the slow option.
For an atmospheric glimpse here’s my new half minute imbroglio trailer.
If you’d like to read Noel’s story here’s the link to imbroglio on Amazon.